
Friday, July 31, 2009

Splash Zone

I took the kids to the Metro Beach splash zone sometime in early July or late June... can't remember. Scarlett continues to love the water more than anyone else, but Grayson actually enjoyed it this year too. It was a nice hot day and we met our cousins Amandine and Thierry and friends David and Andrew there too.

We took Cheese Curls with our picnic lunch. I will only let them eat these while in their swimsuits and near water to clean up. You see why. Gross! But they LOVE them and it was a fun treat for them.

I also took carrots to balance out the cheese curls. I think Scarlett was trying to eat like 5 at one time.
Sofia and Amandine "sunbathing" in the shade. What a little poser.

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