
Tuesday, October 28, 2008

PIcture Tag (Thanks Hil!)

I wasn't tagged, but this one was too fun not to do. This is Sofia at about 1 week old with Grandpa Hardie.

Here are the rules:
Go into your picture files and post the 4th picture from the 4th folder onto your blog. Then tag 4 friends.

I'll Tag: Rachel P., Kirstynn, Becky in Brazil (you don't need a camera for this one!!), & Jen B.


Kirstynn Evans said...

I will for sure do this! You at least have a good picture to look at!

Jen B. said...

What a great picture -- mine will probably be one of those terribly blurry ones! Thanks for the tag -- I will get right to it.

That Girl said...

Hee-hee! Thanks! Love it! And MUCHO OBRIGADO for remembering that I don't have a camera - it's in the shop, at least!

Can I possibly put any more exclamation points into a comment?!!!!!